The following licentiates are available for pulpit supply for churches within the Palmetto Presbytery.
Timothy Tefft
(704) 619-8796
Current Church and roles/responsibilities: Currently preaching at Longtown Presbyterian Church
Christ redeemed me in 1975 through the outreach ministry of Spanish River Presbyterian church called Koinonia. I received a call from God to the ministry two years later after attending a missions trip to Mexico. I quit my job with SBT&T and pursued my undergraduate degree at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton Fl. After receiving my undergraduate degree in History I moved to Columbia to attend Columbia International University. I came under care of The Palmetto Presbytery while pursuing my graduate degree in theology. I graduated in 1992 and passed my examinations soon afterwards. I have had the privilege to preach in many churches throughout South Carolina and I am presently performing pulpit supply for Longtown Presbyterian church in Longtown SC.
I married my lovely bride in 1997 and have 5 children. We currently live in Northeast Columbia with our youngest daughter Charis.
Jay Sikkema
(803) 760-8780
Current Church and roles/responsibilities: Ruling Elder at Heritage Presbyterian Church
My wife, Lawrie, and I were married in 1981 and we have 2 children. Our son, Bryan, is a graduate of the Citadel (2011) and our daughter, Brandi, is a recent graduate of Ben Lippen School (2017).
Lawrie and I met during our time of service in the United States Marine Corps. After being discharged, we were married, and moved to South Florida. I entered the work force as an electrician, and came into contact with man named Gary Davis. Gary was a strong believer, and over time, he and his wife established a relationship with Lawrie and I. Through this relationship the Holy Spirit began to work in our hearts and lives. We became convicted of our sin, and convinced of our need for salvation. God caused me to realize that I had been trusting in church attendance, Christian parents, and Christian education for my salvation. The Holy Spirit opened our eyes to allow us to see ourselves for who we were – sinners in desperate need of a Savior, and that Savior was Jesus Christ. On June 15, 1983, Lawrie and I prayed together, confessing our sinfulness, and asking for the forgiveness that only Christ could offer. By God’s grace we placed our faith in the death and resurrection of Christ alone for our salvation.
Shortly after, God led me to Columbia Bible College/Columbia International University to pursue his call to full-time ministry. I have earned a BS in Bible Teaching, and an MEd in Administration. I have served the Lord in the field of Christian School Education for more than 25 years.
As a Licentiate of Palmetto Presbytery I have been blessed and privileged to fill the pulpits of a number of churches, preaching and teaching the precious and holy Word of God since 1997.
Terry Powell
(803) 673-0231
Current Church and roles/responsibilities: Cornerstone Presbyterian, PCA Licensed
Terry grew up in a Christian home in rural western North Carolina. Being keenly aware of his sin and under conviction by God’s Spirit, he put his faith in Christ around the age of 10. He received a call from God to communicate His Word and serve Him vocationally after two years of college.
He attended Wheaton Graduate School in Illinois, where he earned two degrees: a Masters in Communications, and a second in Christian Education. He served as a Christian writer and church staff member in Christian Education before taking M. Div classes at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois.
In 1981, he was called to teach in Christian Education at Columbia International University, before completing the M. Div. He earned his Ph. D in Educational Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1993, and has served full time on the faculty of CIU since 1981, teaching in the areas of Church Ministry and Ministry Leadership. He has enjoyed two 4-year stints as a part-time Director of Christian Education in a local PCA church. Terry has written or co-authored 17 books, including Now That’s A Good Question! (Standard, 2007), Lord, Give Me Wisdom ( Proverbs), and Serve Strong: Biblical Encouragement To Sustain God’s Servants (Leafwood, 2014). His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Discipleship Journal, Family Life Today, Arizona, Christian Bookseller, and Just Between Us.
Terry is a licensed preacher in the PCA and has taught courses or seminars in numerous countries, including, but not limited to, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, and France. In addition to his bride of 46 years, Terry has two grown sons, one grandson, and a 10-year old dachshund, Farley. His constant prayer is, “Lord, make me the person my dog thinks I am!”
Jim Braden
(910) 728-1379
Current Church and roles/responsibilities: Pulpit Supply Serving At Covenant and Eau Claire
When I was 18 years old, I was converted to Christ at Exit 5 of the Ohio Turnpike, where Bob Davenport, former All-American fullback at UCLA, challenged me to make a commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. There I prayed to receive Christ into my life, and positive changes occurred in my life as I began to walk the Christian life. Soon after my conversion, the Lord called me into ministry, and I attended Columbia Bible College (now CIU) for three years, then transferred to Nyack College, Nyack, NY, where I received a B.A. in anthropology. There I met Phyllis Miller, and we were married in 1968. We moved to St. Paul, MN, so I could attend Bethel Seminary, earning my M.Div. in New Testament in 1972. I served 13 years in the Christian & Missionary Alliance, in New Jersey and Ohio. As my understanding of theology, worship, and church government began to change to a reformed position, I felt it necessary to change to a Presbyterian denomination. I then enrolled at Covenant Seminary where I received a Masters of Theology in Biblical Studies. I re-planted Cross Creek Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fayetteville, NC, where I served for 23-1/2 years, retiring in 2011. I also served as interim pastor for Raeford Presbyterian Church for 14 months.
My wife and I answered the “call of the grandchildren” in 2014 when we moved to Lexington to be near our daughter Heather Coleridge, son-in-law Steve, and grandsons Ben, Matthew and Myles. I have enjoyed teaching the boys to play golf. Phyllis is helping Heather with homeschooling the younger boys, while Ben attends Ben Lippen School. Our son Berkeley lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife Tracy and daughter Jada. He has his own catering business. Both of our children are believers and attend PCA churches.
I am a member of our Palmetto Presbytery and have been supplying pulpits in our area for over two years. My contact information is as follows: 227 Penwood Lane, Lexington, SC, 29072. Email is Phone is (910) 728-1379.
Eric Dye
(803) 240-8278
Current Church and roles/responsibilities: Associate Chaplain Still Hopes Retirement Community and attends Rose Hill PCA regularly.
I was born in 1953 and baptized in the Missouri Synod, Lutheran Church which was the church of my parents and youth. All my sisters and I are still communing members of Presbyterian or Lutheran Churches. A high school friend challenged me to join in passing out literature and sharing with students what the Lord meant to us. That was the beginning of a life change for me from passive belief to active word and deed ministry.
Continuing to work in the local ministry, I attended a local extension of Purdue University that year. I realized my knowledge of the Scriptures and Christian faith matters were lacking, so I transferred to a Christian College to get some training. I loved studying the Bible, Greek and Hebrew, Theology, and participated in different aspects of Christian Ministry at a local church. I graduated in Spring 1976. I loved doing ministry but had doubts about whether I was “called” to do so. I enlisted and served in the Army from 1980-1984 as a German Linguist in Berlin, Germany. On the way to Berlin, I attended Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church near Ft Meade, MD and found a true spiritual home. Before leaving for Berlin, I applied to attend Covenant Seminary in St Louis. I remained in the Army Reserves and was commissioned as a 2LT Chaplain Candidate. I attended and became a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA in St Louis and worked with their Associate Pastor to plant a daughter church. That congregation called me as an Associate Pastor, I was ordained in the Missouri Presbytery, and continued to drill as an Army Reserve Chaplain.
I met my wife in that church and was called to Active Duty as a Chaplain in 1986. We served multiple assignments and had three children. I also completed a ThM in Biblical Theology from Covenant Seminary. Later the Army sent me for an MA in World Religions at the University of London, England. This prepared me to be the Instructor in World Religions at the US Army’s Chaplains School at Ft Jackson, SC. For four years I wrote and taught curriculum pertaining to World Religions for the US Army Chaplain Officer Basic, Advanced, and Command/Career Courses; and acted as a Staff Group Leader for new chaplains. My final year I was the Basic Course Manager for all the new chaplains entering service.